🙊 Troubleshooting
Error : syntax error at or near "$1"
If you come across this error message: Error : syntax error at or near "$1" This is due to the ' ? ' operator. You will need to swit...
'Cycle detected' error message
If you are joining queries together, you might come across this error message: This message is caused because the join has generated a '...
My table isn't available
If you can't find a particular table in the 'Tables' dropdown list, it may be that it hasn't been configured as available. If you are an ...
Speed up slow queries
Here are some things you can do to make your queries run faster: 1️⃣ Reduce the size of your data set by adding an early filter. Try add...
Query suddenly slow
If a query that usually runs very quickly suddenly takes much longer, then it's possible your database is dealing with some other load. ...
Duplicate rows
If you've notice the presence of duplicate rows, or multiple rows for one line item in your query, don't worry! Usually this is caused by...