
Everything you need to know about Slack, Google Sheets and more!

⚡️ Zapier

  • Connecting to Zapier

    🔧 To connect to Zapier, you need you'll need:  A account (free to set up). A account (free to set up) A saved ...

  • Triggering zaps

    How to trigger zaps You can trigger zaps using: New saved query results (i.e. triggers when your saved query has new rows) Updated sa...

  • Zapier use-cases

    Our / integration lets you use changes to the data in your database to 'trigger actions' in a huge number of 3rd par...

💬 Slack

  • Multiple slack alerts

    Can I create multiple Slack alerts for the same Saved Query? Yes, you can! It can be useful if you want to send a different message, or y...

  • Slack alert not firing

    The most common reasons a Slack alert doesn't fire are: You've updated the name of the channel in Slack. You'll need to edit your alert ...

  • Set up Slack Alerts

    Our + Slack integration lets you use changes to the data in your database to 'trigger alerts' in Slack. It's a brilliant way to...

📊 Google Sheets