Credits pricing FAQs

All our pricing info can be found here.

Some commonly asked questions:

If I have a query that uses other saved queries, will it use more than 1 credit?

If you have a data feed or an alert (1 credit) and the query uses other saved queries as part of it, it will still be 1 credit per data feed or alert. Each saved query within that query is not costing an additional credit.

How many credits does my query use when it's refreshed?

Ad-hoc queries are 3 credits each time the query is run. This is true regardless of how many steps the query has, or if it uses saved queries - it will always be 3 credits. 

How many credits are used when building queries?

When you're building queries, the query is run with each step you add, to give you accurate data to work from. Each of these query runs will be 3 credits. So when you build a 10-step query, that will use 30 credits. However, it will only be 3 credits to refresh, or 1 credit for a data feed like Slack or Google Sheets (i.e. the 30 credits is only used during the initial building process).

Where can I find my usage?

You can find your usage on the dial emoji in the left-hand toolbar. The Activity section, tells you the total credits used, and what percentage was used by each category. You can click into the category to see if particular dashboards or alerts are using a lot of credits.  credits.gif



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