3. Your first query

  • In Trevor.io, you build queries by adding steps (e.g. filter / sort / summarize).

  • Click the table column headers or the sidebar buttons to add steps.

  • The order of the steps matters.

  • Add filter steps early to help speed up your queries.

  • Hover over steps to change them. You can:

1️⃣ Edit them (e.g. to change a filter)


2️⃣ Disable them (your query will rerun without the step)


3️⃣ Delete them (goodbye step!)


4️⃣ Jump between them (to see the results after a specific step)


5️⃣ Insert new steps (beneath a specific step)

Note: currently you can't drag-and-drop steps but it's coming 😊
Join our co-founder Harry to see how to build your first query:

Any questions at all about steps, or building queries in general, just message us 💪

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