What's new: connection guides, filter JSON

At Trevor, our engineers are like Santa's elves, making wonderful presents for you all year. Their latest goodies are:

  • Connection guides are available on our setup screen
  • Filtering UUID columns
  • Filtering JSON columns
  • Export to SQL faster

Connection guides are available on our setup screen

Now when you go to 'add a new datasource', we have datasource- and host-specific guides to help you get set up even quicker!


You can find all these articles here in the guide, all you need to do is search for your database & host 😊

Filtering UUID columns

You can now filter UUID columns based on some substring (partial text). For example, if you have a UUID column with entries such as:


You can now filter for all the UUID entries that contain (or don't contain) "ud78".


Filtering JSON columns

It's now possible to filter JSON columns with 'contains', 'not contains', '=', and 'not'.


Export to SQL faster 

We've added a button to allow you to export to SQL from within the query builder. Click the 'Export as SQL' button on the top right to quickly see the SQL generated by your query.


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