🧐 How do I...?

  • Give temporary access to our team

    If you need support with a query, or think you have found a bug, you can share temporary 24 hour access with our team in order to test or...

  • Add a link

    If you want to easily connect from your query in Trevor to a web link, or hyperlink, you can do this by adding a new column. You will nee...

  • Limit results

    If you want to limit the results from your query that are displayed, there are a couple of ways to do that. You can add a filter - maybe...

  • Connect to Sandbox

    If you don't have your own database, or you want to play around with some sample data before connecting, you can check out our Sandbox da...

  • Forecasting with Trevor

    If you're looking to get a predictive number or forecast from your existing data to say where you're going to end up at the end of the mo...

  • Expand JSON

    To expand JSON, click the header of the column you want to expand. Then, in the dropdown you should see a JSON section: Select this and ...

  • Remove quotes

    You can remove quotes using this formula: column1.replace("[\"","").replace("\"]","") Replace 'column1' with your column name.

  • Get an array

    You can get an array by going to the summarize step and clicking the + next to the Metrics section. The option 'array of' will appear in ...

  • Refresh metadata

    To refresh your metadata, follow these steps: Click the cog emoji ('Tools & Settings') at the bottom of the left-hand toolbar. Click 'Se...

  • Calculate change month-on-month

    You can do this in two ways: Get a trend for month-on-month, week-on-week etc. using a summarize step with one metric (e.g. count custom...

  • Combine rows based on ID

    If you have a query where you have one shared ID, e.g. Order ID or Customer ID, but then there are multiple rows for different informatio...

  • Change the week start day

    If your system is automatically set for the 'start day' for the week to be one day (Sunday, Monday), but you need to use another day, you...

  • Add currency to a column

    You can add text before or after text in a column. To add a currency symbol, e.g. €, before a number / price, you need to follow these st...

  • Join with a CSV

    You cannot join a CSV directly to an existing Trevor query, but you can upload a CSV, save it, and then join it to your query. Just follo...

  • Reorder steps

    It's not possible to drag-and-drop to change the order of Trevor steps. However, you can deactivate/reactivate steps, as well as add step...

  • Get the first or last instance of something

    Sometimes you'll have lots of instances of a particular action or occurrence, and you might want the earliest or latest instance only. Yo...

  • Convert Trevor steps to SQL

    If you've built up a query using Trevor steps, but now you want to see what they look like in SQL, you can do that by 'exporting' the SQL...

  • Sort by week

    If you want to sort your data by week (or month, day, etc.), first you need to group your data by week. To do this, add a summarize step ...

  • How to get the median

    You can calculate the median of a column using the summarize step. Click the '+' button next to metrics and select 'median of' and then t...

  • Display as a percentage

    When you are displaying your query in a dashboard or as a graph, you can add '%' or other pre- or post-text to your columns/rows in the c...

  • Change column type

    There are different ways that the data in your database can be stored. For example, we know the '3' is a number, but your database can re...

  • Include rowcounts

    If you are using a pivot table graph to display your data, you can add a sum of column values and/or a sum of row values to your graph, l...

  • Summarize as a column

    If you want to perform a calculation that brings the result as a new column in your query, or summarize horizontally, there are a couple ...

  • Group data by month

    To group your data by something (date, location, any info you have in your database) you just need to use a Summarize step.  For example,...

  • Invite guests to your dashboard

    You can invite guests, either external users or colleagues, to view your dashboards using our sharing modal:   When you invite a guest t...

  • Add a category

    You can add new categories to your Trevor that will appear on the left-hand side of your 'Saved Queries' page. When you save a query, you...

  • Replace NULL

    You'll see 'NULL' appear in column cells from time to time, when there is no data or no matching data available.  You can replace these '...

  • Extract email suffix

    You can extract your email domain or email suffix directly from the column header like so:

  • Rename columns

    If you want to change or relabel the column header, you can do this two ways:1. Via the steps element: Head to the add new step element ...